Back to School with Blue Star


Dear Moms,

We loved seeing all your “first day of school” pics on social media recently. Those snaggle-tooth grins and prized lunchboxes! Your ‘tweens in trendy haircuts trying hard to appear casual! Your high-schoolers showing off their varsity basketball jerseys! The excitement beams off the screen… and not Continue Reading »

From Celebrity Skin to Your Skin: Some Eczema Do’s and Don’ts


Embarrassed by your eczema? You’re not alone – there are 30 million of us in the U.S. We hide our red, irritated skin under long sleeves. Swimsuit season causes us severe anxiety. And if a flare-up occurs on our wedding day, should we wear a windbreaker over our open-backed dress? Continue Reading »

Athlete’s: Trouble Afoot?

Long-distance running.

We all know that exercise is great for the body and mind!  Whether you like to swim, bike, or just walk the dog, exercise boosts overall health in a big way. Even light to moderate exercise lowers cholesterol, helps to regulate blood sugar, burns calories and improves heart Continue Reading »

Five Odd Skin Remedies from History

strange medical img

Five Odd, Ineffective or Downright Gross Itchy Skin Remedies from History

Do you fantasize about time-traveling back to an age of castles, romance, and knights in shining armor? Would you like to meet Cleopatra in person, Continue Reading »

Smart Skin

Digital skin

Forget your laptop, your phone, and your gaming console. Your body is your smartest device. Your internal operating system keeps all your organs running, including the largest one: your skin. Think of skin as your beautiful waterproof case, keeping your internal structure and mechanisms safe from damage, while Continue Reading »

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