Beat the heat, LOVE your feet!
Are your dogs barkin’? How neglected are your tootsies? Well, they’re not alone – many feet go unloved, even though foot health has a big impact on overall health. If your feet aren’t ship-shape, you are more likely to develop infections and less likely to get the exercise you need.
Remember “Flowers in the Attic”? Hopefully, your feet are not unloved and hidden. Don’t keep your feet away from open-toe sandal glory! It’s finally summertime, after all. Haven’t we all been needing some fun in the sun? Treat your feet right and you’ll feel happier airing out your tootsies on the street, at the beach or in the pool.
Here are some helpful tips for happy summer feet.
1. Shed some skin.
You may have nice feet under all that dead skin. Let’s find out, shall we? A pumice stone is a great tool to keep in the shower for sloughing off dead skin cells before they harden into painful calluses. Just on the bottoms, though. Use something softer for your toes and tops, like a loofah, a bath brush, or an abrasive washcloth.
2. Keep it dry.
After every bath, shower, or dip in the pool, make sure to dry your feet well, including and especially between the toes! Foot fungus loves dark, moist crevices. Make your feet a no-fungus zone!
3. Not that dry!
Dry, dead skin on your feet is bad news for several reasons. Itchy? That’s probably why. Also, dead dry skin increases the stink factor, by giving nasty bacteria something to eat. Over-share? Well, it’s true. Also, dry skin means your heels are likelier to crack. So after you dry your feet post-shower, baby them with lotion or cream. A cream or ointment with anti-fungal properties is a good idea.
4. Hit the beach.
Walk barefoot in the sand, and treat your toesies to a swim in the ocean. Salt water has anti-fungal and wound healing properties, and the friction of the sand against your skin is a great way to exfoliate. Ever notice how smooth and clean your feet feel after a day at the beach? ‘Tis the season!
See? You don’t need a complicated regimen, just a few healthy habits to keep your feet happier. They deserve some happiness, they’re such hard workers. We can’t wait to strut our stuff in open-toed shoes this summer. With a little TLC, your feet will feel as summer-ready as the rest of you!
#BeautifulFeet #DrySkinTreatment #BlueStarOintment #BestFootOintment.