Protect Your Skin from Winter Itch
While a change in seasons means sweaters, leggings and boots for some, for many it also means irritated skin.
Conditions such as eczema and dry/cracked skin can be exacerbated as the temperature drops and people begin taking warmer showers/baths and reaching for the thermostat.
These tips from the Mayo Clinic will help you prevent dry, irritated skin.
1. Try using lukewarm water for showers and baths, as hot water strips the natural moisture from your skin.
2. Keep in mind that synthetic materials don’t breathe as well as cotton. That’s why the Mayo Clinic suggests wearing loose, cotton clothing.
3. If your skin is especially sensitive during the cooler months, switching to unscented soaps and detergents can help prevent irritation before it starts.
4. Fall is also the start of cold and flu season, which means being more vigilant with washing hands. Repeated hand washing can leave you with dry, cracked skin.
Luckily, Blue Star Ointment is great at preventing and treating dry, irritated skin.
#DrySkinOintment #WinterItchTreatment #BlueStarOintment.