From Celebrity Skin to Your Skin: Some Eczema Do’s and Don’ts

Embarrassed by your eczema? You’re not alone – there are 30 million of us in the U.S. We hide our red, irritated skin under long sleeves. Swimsuit season causes us severe anxiety. And if a flare-up occurs on our wedding day, should we wear a windbreaker over our open-backed Continue Reading »
Beat the heat, LOVE your feet!

Are your dogs barkin’? How neglected are your tootsies? Well, they’re not alone – many feet go unloved, even though foot health has a big impact on overall health. If your feet aren’t ship-shape, you are more likely to develop Continue Reading »
Smart Skin

Forget your laptop, your phone, and your gaming console. Your body is your smartest device. Your internal operating system keeps all your organs running, including the largest one: your skin. Think of skin as your beautiful waterproof case, keeping your internal structure and mechanisms safe from damage, while Continue Reading »